Saturday 1 March 2014

6 weeks Fitness Bootcamp and Clean Eating: Join me

Hi guys,

I can't believe I have not blogged this year. That is changing now as I will be documenting my #6WeeksToGoal journey starting on Monday, 3rd March.

Target- Lose 8kg (17 lbs) in 6 weeks.


1. Eat healthy and ensure I cook 90% of my meals. My weekly meal plan will be published here.

2. Workout 2 times a day, 6 times a week (make sure I get in at least 10 workouts a week)

3. After recording my start weight, do not weigh myself till the end of the 6 weeks challenge.

4. Ensure I post on this blog at least 2 times a week to stay accountable.

Who wants to join me?

So help me God!


  1. Let's do this!!! Now following u on twitter. Do post ur daily workouts as well pls. xx
