Friday 14 October 2011


For the first time in two weeks. I worked out last night. It took everything in me for me to show up at the gym. I came up with so many different excuses why I should postpone my workout until Friday. Then I looked at my gym schedule and noticed there was a spinning class, My favorite exercise to do is spinning. Spinning class almost always kicks my ass. In a nutshell, spinning is basically intense indoor cycling that simulates different outdoor terrains. It is usually done in a group class environment, with awesome music. There are 6 different spinning instructors at my gym, so I can even spin everyday and never get bored because each one of 'em have different styles and most importantly different music.

Spinning workouts cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels so regardless of where you’re currently at with your program, there will be a spinning workout for you. The instructor takes the class on a ride that includes all types of terrains from flat roads, to climbing up a steep hill, to riding on rugged roads. If you are the type of person who doesn't care for traditional exercise classes, this form of exercise is perfect for you. One of the many benefits of spinning is you will always feel like you're keeping up with the class because everyone finishes at the same time.

The special spinning bicycle that you pedal has a weighted flywheel in the front and makes you feel more like you're riding on a real bicycle.

So if you have spinning classes at your gym, try it out, you never know, you just might like it. Make sure you take water and a small towel to class.

1 comment:

  1. I used to hate spinning cuz my ass hurt a lot but now i'm used to it and i never miss Spinning 3 times a week. It helps soooo much and has contributed to my weight loss
