Monday 17 October 2011

Keeping Track.......

One important thing I have learnt on this journey is the power of keeping track of your food and exercises. Most times we consume meals, snacks, water, anything by mentally tracking the calories and this contributes to over shooting our desired daily calorie limit. Currently, my target is 1,200calories a day. I have realized that days I don’t use my tracker, I go over my limit by 100-200 calories. So what do I use? “My Fitness Pal”

I have tried at least 6 types of apps/sites from to calorie counter, to fatsecrets, some paid for, some free but the best type is MyFitnessPal which is completely free. Not only does it recommend the right amount of calories for you to consume daily for your target goal, it keeps track of it all for you.
What makes this stand out? I have 3 great reasons

1. It has a BB app
2. It has an iPad app
3. The most important of all, it contains calories for the most common West African foods.

I have no excuse not to enter anything I consume at any time of the day.
I always had a hard time getting calories for my jollof rice, egusi, eba, etc. My fitness journey is not a crash diet type. I am developing a sustainable healthy lifestyle so I eat what I normally eat, only in a more controlled way.

I was excited when one day I randomly typed in Jollof rice into the database and voila! I got results. Did for my other Nigerian foods and they were there. Knowing the calories have helped me manage my meals better and eat more healthy options.
So rule no 1 in losing weight and staying healthy, keep track of EVERY thing that you consume, yes that includes the piece of biscuit you absent-mindedly eat from the break room at work.

In happy news, I look skinnier and I am a step closer to my goal. Today was my weigh in and my scale made me happy, yes I am 2.2kg down from my last weigh in 3 weeks ago. I know I can do better but I am still excited because I didn’t starve, or deprive myself. I ate responsibly and in a more healthy way.

So i wore a top to work today and realised the fit was really loose. I found a picture i took in August where i wore the same top.

Enjoy my before and pictures




I once read somewhere that you increase your chances of losing weight when you keep a food journal. I totally agree. Try it :)


  1. The one thing I dread about weight loss is having to change your entire wardrobe, when I lost weight initially most of my clothes had to go to charity. Now im just stuck cos if i do it again then i have to change wardrobe!

  2. id gladly give my clothes away, if i lose weight, gladly

  3. yayyy you go girl. I realized tracking is very important. I love I am a visual person and I like their graphs and charts and all that. Oh I cant wait to actually change my entire wardrobe... it's the most exciting part of it

  4. I had a food journal but I stopped, definitely need to start it up again! You look good and keep it up!!! Very inspiring!
