Wednesday 25 March 2015

5 Tips to Stay Fit While Traveling

(image credit: Google)

One of the excuses I used to make about not exercising and not making the time to prepare or cook healthy meals was; "Work is hectic, I've no time". Or "my job is demanding and I travel a lot". Well, work is still hectic and I still travel quite a bit.

This week I'm in another country, one that I've been to before but nevertheless it's different from my usual environment. Different in the sense that I don't know the best healthy places to eat, the best gyms and I don't have my gym crew to motivate me.

Does this sound familiar to you? Well then let me give you a few tips and tricks that I've picked up.

1. Research! Aunty Google is your friend. Find out where you are staying and what local restaurants or gym spots are close to where you are staying. If you are staying in a hotel, find out if they have a gym.

2. Carry portable gym equipment. I carry my jump rope and resistance band. Don't forget your food journal (if you have one). This is great because if there is no gym or you have a late work session and can't go to one, then you can work out in your room.

3. Eat right. I ensure I make the best healthy options in the hotel, especially with the breakfast buffet. It can be hard but most times the chef is willing to make eggs with less oil and a lot of veggies so that's what I mostly eat for breakfast. I also take an apple or a banana from breakfast so I can snack on during my meetings so I can avoid pastries.
4. Drink right. Take along your water bottle and fill it up with water throughout the day. Or always ask for bottled water and try avoid sweet energy drinks or soft drinks. If you have afterwork drinks, select ones such as Gin and tonic, cranberry and vodka etc. They have less calories. Limit your drinks to 1-2 and drink water in between drinks.

5. Sleep. Get enough rest. When travelling for work, you often feel the pressure to work towards deadlines by working around the clock at the expense of sleep. Try your best to get enough sleep (6-8hrs).

What are your tips and tricks for keeping fit and living healthy while travelling?

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